State Budget by Article/Biennium (1996-2025)


Article I – General Government

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $849,439,300 $250,804,895 $334,606,501 $388,813,051 $1,823,663,747 -
1998-99 $1,202,385,414 $184,393,425 $429,031,689 $295,419,701 $2,111,230,229 15.77%
2000-01 $1,451,599,617 $310,421,637 $489,264,389 $257,644,822 $2,508,930,465 18.84%
2002-03 $1,506,273,429 $389,256,840 $603,788,685 $126,719,740 $2,626,038,694 4.67%
2004-05 $1,390,967,915 $418,976,162 $725,172,973 $148,891,547 $2,684,008,597 2.21%
2006-07 $1,769,155,751 $589,886,584 $682,899,112 $210,086,488 $3,252,027,935 21.16%
2008-09 $2,005,949,645 $820,127,489 $699,145,304 $496,335,436 $4,021,557,874 23.66%
2010-11 $2,442,924,479 $672,692,699 $692,481,869 $658,304,407 $4,466,403,454 11.06%
2012-13 $2,068,818,998 $843,047,923 $671,167,217 $885,985,549 $4,469,019,687 0.06%
2014-15 $2,530,802,062 $722,948,795 $650,380,755 $936,158,602 $4,840,290,214 8.31%
2016-17 $2,918,841,469 $990,219,759 $715,495,593 $1,627,999,864 $6,252,556,685 29.18%
2018-19 $3,273,756,822 $629,708,489 $1,189,169,333 $1,150,456,017 $6,243,090,661 -0.15%
2020-21 $4,028,634,745 $582,236,754 $1,376,908,214 $1,464,909,711 $7,452,689,424 19.38%
2022-23 $5,594,221,341 $612,693,326 $1,243,744,671 $1,025,734,868 $8,476,394,206 13.74%
2024-25 $7,717,981,545 $647,404,407 $1,303,987,993 $1,191,313,557 $10,860,687,502 28.13%
Totals $40,751,752,532 $8,664,819,184 $11,807,244,298 $10,864,773,360 $72,088,589,374 495.54%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $1,823,663,747 - $1,823,663,747 - $0
1998-99 $2,111,230,229 15.77% $1,960,119,888 7.48% $151,110,341
2000-01 $2,508,930,465 18.84% $2,200,565,064 12.27% $308,365,401
2002-03 $2,626,038,694 4.67% $2,368,631,602 7.64% $257,407,092
2004-05 $2,684,008,597 2.21% $2,579,445,154 8.90% $104,563,443
2006-07 $3,252,027,935 21.16% $2,860,775,085 10.91% $391,252,850
2008-09 $4,021,557,874 23.66% $3,123,453,368 9.18% $898,104,506
2010-11 $4,466,403,454 11.06% $3,332,238,040 6.68% $1,134,165,414
2012-13 $4,469,019,687 0.06% $3,588,975,154 7.70% $880,044,533
2014-15 $4,840,290,214 8.31% $3,803,243,251 5.97% $1,037,046,963
2016-17 $6,252,556,685 29.18% $4,018,764,155 5.67% $2,233,792,530
2018-19 $6,243,090,661 -0.15% $4,298,463,880 6.96% $1,944,626,781
2020-21 $7,452,689,424 19.38% $4,582,429,132 6.61% $2,870,260,292
2022-23 $8,476,394,206 13.74% $5,301,751,814 15.70% $3,174,642,392
2024-25 $10,860,687,502 28.13% $5,791,512,284 9.24% $5,069,175,218
Totals $72,088,589,374 495.54% $51,634,031,617 217.58% $20,454,557,757

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article I

Commission on the Arts
Office of the Attorney General
Bond Review Board
Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Commission on State Emergency Communications
Texas Emergency Services Retirement System
Employees Retirement System
Texas Ethics Commission
Facilities Commission
Public Finance Authority
Office of the Governor
Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor
Historical Commission
Department of Information Resources
Library & Archives Commission
Pension Review Board
Preservation Board
State Office of Risk Management
Secretary of State
Veterans Commission

Article II – Health & Human Services

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $10,381,612,111 $252,412,925 $15,516,790,877 $271,534,664 $26,422,350,577 -
1998-99 $10,268,500,419 $344,216,882 $15,221,359,289 $227,148,826 $26,061,225,416 -1.37%
2000-01 $10,609,941,361 $451,449,087 $16,183,989,064 $191,568,361 $27,436,947,873 5.28%
2002-03 $13,209,672,502 $561,140,144 $20,995,846,093 $222,918,777 $34,989,577,516 27.53%
2004-05 $14,672,572,885 $927,680,818 $23,723,277,172 $462,687,542 $39,786,218,417 13.71%
2006-07 $16,761,768,298 $775,136,638 $29,077,629,265 $1,626,023,174 $48,240,557,375 21.25%
2008-09 $20,558,841,658 $873,109,062 $31,062,337,413 $471,663,507 $52,965,951,640 9.80%
2010-11 $24,413,608,359 $990,225,746 $33,832,509,675 $510,147,537 $59,746,491,317 12.80%
2012-13 $22,900,148,538 $967,497,178 $31,053,872,571 $504,862,144 $55,426,380,431 -7.23%
2014-15 $29,652,528,294 $1,159,099,266 $42,433,268,969 $647,028,503 $73,891,925,032 33.32%
2016-17 $32,201,003,386 $1,183,877,546 $43,156,254,883 $658,637,930 $77,199,773,745 4.48%
2018-19 $32,888,403,404 $571,961,523 $43,797,453,654 $1,613,838,648 $78,871,657,229 2.17%
2020-21 $33,643,256,982 $528,786,187 $48,796,458,730 $1,335,327,172 $84,303,829,071 6.89%
2022-23 $34,447,207,306 $558,067,965 $50,798,692,955 $1,166,316,748 $86,970,284,974 3.16%
2024-25 $42,646,512,331 $539,599,591 $57,653,750,489 $1,335,532,854 $102,175,395,265 17.48%
Totals $349,255,577,834 $10,684,260,558 $503,303,491,099 $11,245,236,387 $874,488,565,878 286.70%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $26,422,350,577 - $26,422,350,577 - $0
1998-99 $26,061,225,416 -1.37% $28,399,410,213 7.48% -$2,338,184,797
2000-01 $27,436,947,873 5.28% $31,883,126,304 12.27% -$4,446,178,431
2002-03 $34,989,577,516 27.53% $34,318,176,629 7.64% $671,400,887
2004-05 $39,786,218,417 13.71% $37,372,571,707 8.90% $2,413,646,710
2006-07 $48,240,557,375 21.25% $41,448,651,022 10.91% $6,791,906,353
2008-09 $52,965,951,640 9.80% $45,254,493,891 9.18% $7,711,457,749
2010-11 $59,746,491,317 12.80% $48,279,493,322 6.68% $11,466,997,995
2012-13 $55,426,380,431 -7.23% $51,999,256,922 7.70% $3,427,123,509
2014-15 $73,891,925,032 33.32% $55,103,703,565 5.97% $18,788,221,467
2016-17 $77,199,773,745 4.48% $58,226,301,619 5.67% $18,973,472,126
2018-19 $78,871,657,229 2.17% $62,278,761,512 6.96% $16,592,895,717
2020-21 $84,303,829,071 6.89% $66,393,022,961 6.61% $17,910,806,110
2022-23 $86,970,284,974 3.16% $76,815,007,879 15.70% $10,155,277,095
2024-25 $102,175,395,265 17.48% $83,910,955,729 9.24% $18,264,439,536
Totals $874,488,565,878 286.70% $748,105,283,851 217.58% $126,383,282,027

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article II

Department of Family & Protective Services
Department of State Health Services
Health & Human Services Commission

Article III – Agencies of Education

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $26,621,847,952 $34,250,360 $3,208,756,484 $3,728,094,218 $33,592,949,014 -
1998-99 $29,836,678,388 $2,696,590,457 $3,782,985,563 $1,793,912,908 $38,110,167,316 13.45%
2000-01 $34,615,936,231 $3,133,329,543 $4,348,218,632 $2,385,730,094 $44,483,214,500 16.72%
2002-03 $36,375,558,849 $1,846,953,188 $5,635,740,895 $4,822,645,015 $48,680,897,947 9.44%
2004-05 $34,534,985,717 $2,563,839,638 $7,214,406,286 $5,779,580,598 $50,092,812,239 2.90%
2006-07 $36,064,504,985 $2,284,836,256 $8,407,105,376 $7,915,741,542 $54,672,188,159 9.14%
2008-09 $46,842,818,400 $2,278,524,741 $8,831,632,696 $16,583,685,381 $74,536,661,218 36.33%
2010-11 $48,942,872,786 $2,382,156,638 $9,381,040,946 $14,745,670,354 $75,451,740,724 1.23%
2012-13 $45,916,833,626 $2,495,346,416 $10,935,329,879 $13,523,838,439 $72,871,348,360 -3.42%
2014-15 $50,760,395,559 $2,685,104,808 $10,634,041,807 $10,119,502,639 $74,199,044,813 1.82%
2016-17 $56,001,577,780 $2,788,724,084 $10,442,824,748 $9,336,996,504 $78,570,123,116 5.89%
2018-19 $56,459,796,949 $2,869,245,560 $10,767,237,899 $10,901,745,470 $80,998,025,878 3.09%
2020-21 $65,714,825,688 $2,724,913,119 $14,512,322,693 $12,949,859,358 $95,901,920,858 18.40%
2022-23 $64,033,855,473 $2,806,073,879 $12,973,371,688 $16,240,085,056 $96,053,386,096 0.16%
2024-25 $59,231,020,553 $2,833,359,786 $15,285,219,105 $22,066,824,154 $99,416,423,598 3.50%
Totals $691,953,508,936 $36,423,248,473 $136,360,234,697 $152,893,911,730 $1,017,630,903,836 195.94%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $33,592,949,014 - $33,592,949,014 - $0
1998-99 $38,110,167,316 13.45% $36,106,550,647 7.48% $2,003,616,669
2000-01 $44,483,214,500 16.72% $40,535,690,918 12.27% $3,947,523,582
2002-03 $48,680,897,947 9.44% $43,631,574,503 7.64% $5,049,323,444
2004-05 $50,092,812,239 2.90% $47,514,882,986 8.90% $2,577,929,253
2006-07 $54,672,188,159 9.14% $52,697,144,276 10.91% $1,975,043,883
2008-09 $74,536,661,218 36.33% $57,535,831,322 9.18% $17,000,829,896
2010-11 $75,451,740,724 1.23% $61,381,766,655 6.68% $14,069,974,069
2012-13 $72,871,348,360 -3.42% $66,111,013,911 7.70% $6,760,334,449
2014-15 $74,199,044,813 1.82% $70,057,957,143 5.97% $4,141,087,670
2016-17 $78,570,123,116 5.89% $74,027,977,786 5.67% $4,542,145,330
2018-19 $80,998,025,878 3.09% $79,180,209,725 6.96% $1,817,816,153
2020-21 $95,901,920,858 18.40% $84,411,015,163 6.61% $11,490,905,695
2022-23 $96,053,386,096 0.16% $97,661,358,163 15.70% -$1,607,972,067
2024-25 $99,416,423,598 3.50% $106,683,031,447 9.24% -$7,266,607,849
Totals $1,017,630,903,836 195.94% $951,128,953,658 217.58% $66,501,950,178

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article III

Texas Education Agency
Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation
School for the Deaf
School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Teacher Retirement System
Higher Education Coordinating Board
Higher Education Fund
Available University Fund
Available National Research University Fund
Various Universities
Various Colleges

Article IV – The Judiciary

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $213,361,261 $1,656,020 $0 $42,039,467 $257,056,748 -
1998-99 $276,126,554 $1,738,266 $0 $53,891,482 $331,756,302 29.06%
2000-01 $310,474,103 $1,840,145 $0 $48,074,931 $360,389,179 8.63%
2002-03 $350,911,424 $2,150,000 $0 $77,688,429 $430,749,853 19.52%
2004-05 $318,227,902 $26,471,593 $2,661 $76,840,852 $421,543,008 -2.14%
2006-07 $361,543,970 $28,908,110 $97,177 $132,957,909 $523,507,166 24.19%
2008-09 $405,205,289 $35,798,932 $2,886,347 $154,464,694 $598,355,262 14.30%
2010-11 $437,765,297 $61,457,393 $4,990,698 $167,540,740 $671,754,128 12.27%
2012-13 $381,263,413 $85,025,731 $3,600,000 $173,243,468 $643,132,612 -4.26%
2014-15 $438,826,198 $135,059,631 $3,600,000 $179,518,740 $757,004,569 17.71%
2016-17 $481,644,163 $142,321,098 $3,446,623 $180,338,224 $807,750,108 6.70%
2018-19 $491,430,358 $143,473,078 $1,693,922 $193,996,742 $830,594,100 2.83%
2020-21 $545,698,341 $197,237,895 $3,612,035 $187,206,827 $933,755,098 12.42%
2022-23 $593,068,358 $194,712,703 $4,510,324 $179,418,878 $971,710,263 4.06%
2024-25 $848,353,804 $176,976,789 $4,217,716 $179,261,384 $1,208,809,693 24.40%
Totals $6,453,900,435 $1,234,827,384 $32,657,503 $2,026,482,767 $9,747,868,089 370.25%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $257,056,748 - $257,056,748 - $0
1998-99 $331,756,302 29.06% $276,291,090 7.48% $55,465,212
2000-01 $360,389,179 8.63% $310,183,333 12.27% $50,205,846
2002-03 $430,749,853 19.52% $333,873,357 7.64% $96,876,496
2004-05 $421,543,008 -2.14% $363,588,838 8.90% $57,954,170
2006-07 $523,507,166 24.19% $403,244,042 10.91% $120,263,124
2008-09 $598,355,262 14.30% $440,270,180 9.18% $158,085,082
2010-11 $671,754,128 12.27% $469,699,678 6.68% $202,054,450
2012-13 $643,132,612 -4.26% $505,888,371 7.70% $137,244,241
2014-15 $757,004,569 17.71% $536,090,792 5.97% $220,913,777
2016-17 $807,750,108 6.70% $566,469,804 5.67% $241,280,304
2018-19 $830,594,100 2.83% $605,895,220 6.96% $224,698,880
2020-21 $933,755,098 12.42% $645,921,888 6.61% $287,833,210
2022-23 $971,710,263 4.06% $747,314,894 15.70% $224,395,369
2024-25 $1,208,809,693 24.40% $816,349,679 9.24% $392,460,014
Totals $9,747,868,089 370.25% $7,278,137,911 217.58% $2,469,730,178

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article IV

Supreme Court of Texas
Court of Criminal Appeals
1st – 4th Court of Appeals Districts
Texas Judicial Office of Court Administration
Office of Capital Writs
Office of the State Prosecuting Attorney
State Law Library
State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Comptroller’s Department Judiciary Section

Article V – Public Safety & Criminal Justice

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $5,578,092,783 $90,247,509 $73,389,564 $1,183,895,592 $6,925,625,448 -
1998-99 $5,541,701,321 $229,058,354 $187,435,018 $1,078,586,818 $7,036,781,511 1.61%
2000-01 $6,335,395,184 $251,766,275 $255,787,410 $802,150,607 $7,645,099,476 8.64%
2002-03 $7,031,769,301 $117,128,726 $262,476,208 $878,127,163 $8,289,501,398 8.43%
2004-05 $6,611,753,349 $55,613,380 $257,326,358 $1,059,082,083 $7,983,775,170 -3.69%
2006-07 $7,020,553,514 $45,099,486 $275,880,555 $1,186,949,383 $8,528,482,938 6.82%
2008-09 $7,910,757,858 $26,256,835 $578,685,771 $1,920,156,124 $10,435,856,588 22.36%
2010-11 $8,630,192,525 $77,819,579 $617,805,953 $1,442,004,910 $10,767,822,967 3.18%
2012-13 $8,203,304,006 $171,360,706 $1,625,356,897 $1,507,410,193 $11,507,431,802 6.87%
2014-15 $9,110,999,778 $24,344,553 $1,335,616,611 $1,211,086,657 $11,682,047,599 1.52%
2016-17 $11,409,022,796 $129,703,400 $741,326,246 $152,570,410 $12,432,622,852 6.43%
2018-19 $11,411,358,100 $32,949,851 $598,295,188 $263,050,920 $12,305,654,059 -1.02%
2020-21 $12,072,254,834 $51,101,971 $271,060,744 $154,477,889 $12,548,895,438 1.98%
2022-23 $11,969,516,825 $50,484,149 $1,327,585,153 $162,022,014 $13,509,608,141 7.66%
2024-25 $18,214,942,287 $117,452,218 $409,368,132 $146,842,834 $18,888,605,471 39.82%
Totals $137,051,614,461 $1,470,386,992 $8,817,395,808 $13,148,413,597 $160,487,810,858 172.74%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $6,925,625,448 - $6,925,625,448 - $0
1998-99 $7,036,781,511 1.61% $7,443,837,274 7.48% -$407,055,763
2000-01 $7,645,099,476 8.64% $8,356,962,423 12.27% -$711,862,947
2002-03 $8,289,501,398 8.43% $8,995,219,282 7.64% -$705,717,884
2004-05 $7,983,775,170 -3.69% $9,795,814,075 8.90% -$1,812,038,905
2006-07 $8,528,482,938 6.82% $10,864,204,964 10.91% -$2,335,722,026
2008-09 $10,435,856,588 22.36% $11,861,763,533 9.18% -$1,425,906,945
2010-11 $10,767,822,967 3.18% $12,654,653,362 6.68% -$1,886,830,395
2012-13 $11,507,431,802 6.87% $13,629,649,488 7.70% -$2,122,217,686
2014-15 $11,682,047,599 1.52% $14,443,363,416 5.97% -$2,761,315,817
2016-17 $12,432,622,852 6.43% $15,261,835,054 5.67% -$2,829,212,202
2018-19 $12,305,654,059 -1.02% $16,324,035,000 6.96% -$4,018,380,941
2020-21 $12,548,895,438 1.98% $17,402,433,899 6.61% -$4,853,538,461
2022-23 $13,509,608,141 7.66% $20,134,165,271 15.70% -$6,624,557,130
2024-25 $18,888,605,471 39.82% $21,994,101,118 9.24% -$3,105,495,647
Totals $160,487,810,858 172.74% $196,087,663,606 217.58% -$35,599,852,748

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article V

Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Department of Criminal Justice
Commission on Fire Protection
Commission on Jail Standards
Juvenile Justice Department
Commission on Law Enforcement
Military Department
Department of Public Safety

Article VI – Natural Resources

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $343,262,773 $108,867,494 $266,030,489 $1,017,922,409 $1,736,083,165 -
1998-99 $401,519,290 $912,230,497 $189,407,998 $161,753,027 $1,664,910,812 -4.10%
2000-01 $537,011,387 $980,244,542 $211,063,746 $138,842,830 $1,867,162,505 12.15%
2002-03 $590,709,943 $983,139,275 $209,676,606 $167,463,953 $1,950,989,777 4.49%
2004-05 $509,978,582 $926,394,602 $252,166,778 $309,452,554 $1,997,992,516 2.41%
2006-07 $437,115,088 $1,245,665,082 $281,485,083 $355,186,213 $2,319,451,466 16.09%
2008-09 $686,394,480 $1,439,340,303 $850,787,766 $245,667,543 $3,222,190,092 38.92%
2010-11 $875,064,994 $1,319,056,855 $1,010,962,867 $258,756,881 $3,463,841,597 7.50%
2012-13 $638,405,600 $1,046,857,428 $1,873,624,731 $329,410,072 $3,888,297,831 12.25%
2014-15 $724,056,304 $1,154,743,898 $2,563,370,363 $2,321,244,959 $6,763,415,524 73.94%
2016-17 $832,069,021 $1,505,683,115 $1,744,700,400 $285,087,549 $4,367,540,085 -35.42%
2018-19 $890,340,902 $1,266,581,544 $1,858,038,411 $439,880,963 $4,454,841,820 2.00%
2020-21 $1,011,728,952 $1,302,325,207 $6,307,843,308 $390,477,574 $9,012,375,041 102.31%
2022-23 $1,308,168,913 $1,167,832,816 $4,859,946,931 $480,100,799 $7,816,049,459 -13.27%
2024-25 $3,328,613,552 $1,419,268,685 $3,252,695,359 $619,165,661 $8,619,743,257 10.28%
Totals $13,114,439,781 $16,778,231,343 $25,731,800,836 $7,520,412,987 $63,144,884,947 396.51%

⬅️ Mobile Users Swipe Left & Right ➡️

Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $1,736,083,165 - $1,736,083,165 - $0
1998-99 $1,664,910,812 -4.10% $1,865,986,064 7.48% -$201,075,252
2000-01 $1,867,162,505 12.15% $2,094,883,976 12.27% -$227,721,471
2002-03 $1,950,989,777 4.49% $2,254,879,199 7.64% -$303,889,422
2004-05 $1,997,992,516 2.41% $2,455,568,530 8.90% -$457,576,014
2006-07 $2,319,451,466 16.09% $2,723,387,726 10.91% -$403,936,260
2008-09 $3,222,190,092 38.92% $2,973,451,009 9.18% $248,739,083
2010-11 $3,463,841,597 7.50% $3,172,208,897 6.68% $291,632,700
2012-13 $3,888,297,831 12.25% $3,416,616,333 7.70% $471,681,498
2014-15 $6,763,415,524 73.94% $3,620,594,307 5.97% $3,142,821,217
2016-17 $4,367,540,085 -35.42% $3,825,764,922 5.67% $541,775,163
2018-19 $4,454,841,820 2.00% $4,092,032,201 6.96% $362,809,619
2020-21 $9,012,375,041 102.31% $4,362,360,158 6.61% $4,650,014,883
2022-23 $7,816,049,459 -13.27% $5,047,137,711 15.70% $2,768,911,748
2024-25 $8,619,743,257 10.28% $5,513,377,668 9.24% $3,106,365,589
Totals $63,144,884,947 396.51% $49,154,331,866 217.58% $13,990,553,081

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article VI

Department of Agriculture
Animal Health Commission
Commission on Environmental Quality
General Land Office & Veterans’ Land Board
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission
Parks & Wildlife Department
Railroad Commission
Soil & Water Conservation Board
Water Development Board

Article VII – Business & Economic Development

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $79,158,426 $59,323,874 $3,975,874,881 $4,678,712,575 $8,793,069,756 -
1998-99 $335,701,895 $560,943,647 $4,677,344,751 $4,693,832,514 $10,267,822,807 16.77%
2000-01 $314,973,846 $493,550,756 $6,119,794,106 $5,084,379,000 $12,012,697,708 16.99%
2002-03 $396,543,131 $396,966,788 $6,962,555,887 $6,134,691,693 $13,890,757,499 15.63%
2004-05 $310,538,729 $367,512,370 $7,051,546,602 $6,416,195,276 $14,145,792,977 1.84%
2006-07 $274,191,684 $418,248,242 $9,463,676,304 $8,507,125,991 $18,663,242,221 31.93%
2008-09 $623,242,170 $425,709,719 $8,858,656,028 $10,606,198,025 $20,513,805,942 9.92%
2010-11 $586,760,534 $400,392,304 $7,929,140,458 $11,798,272,028 $20,714,565,324 0.98%
2012-13 $577,945,479 $386,689,254 $8,491,595,862 $14,204,591,037 $23,660,821,632 14.22%
2014-15 $962,009,675 $445,091,857 $11,059,385,120 $13,825,904,102 $26,292,390,754 11.12%
2016-17 $1,168,398,971 $479,806,427 $11,132,162,852 $14,981,806,347 $27,762,174,597 5.59%
2018-19 $513,605,868 $528,968,512 $13,636,919,486 $17,162,137,114 $31,841,630,980 14.69%
2020-21 $525,871,565 $543,618,328 $15,174,500,087 $20,817,118,207 $37,061,108,187 16.39%
2022-23 $490,651,616 $599,530,315 $13,999,336,224 $21,458,415,616 $36,547,933,771 -1.38%
2024-25 $1,151,825,406 $699,924,534 $18,847,608,169 $25,160,577,590 $45,859,935,699 25.48%
Totals $8,311,418,995 $6,806,276,927 $147,380,096,817 $185,529,957,115 $348,027,749,854 421.55%

⬅️ Mobile Users Swipe Left & Right ➡️

Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $8,793,069,756 - $8,793,069,756 - $0
1998-99 $10,267,822,807 16.77% $9,451,013,615 7.48% $816,809,192
2000-01 $12,012,697,708 16.99% $10,610,356,289 12.27% $1,402,341,419
2002-03 $13,890,757,499 15.63% $11,420,714,448 7.64% $2,470,043,051
2004-05 $14,145,792,977 1.84% $12,437,183,778 8.90% $1,708,609,199
2006-07 $18,663,242,221 31.93% $13,793,658,466 10.91% $4,869,583,755
2008-09 $20,513,805,942 9.92% $15,060,201,415 9.18% $5,453,604,527
2010-11 $20,714,565,324 0.98% $16,066,888,195 6.68% $4,647,677,129
2012-13 $23,660,821,632 14.22% $17,304,784,903 7.70% $6,356,036,729
2014-15 $26,292,390,754 11.12% $18,337,910,847 5.97% $7,954,479,907
2016-17 $27,762,174,597 5.59% $19,377,077,383 5.67% $8,385,097,214
2018-19 $31,841,630,980 14.69% $20,725,691,785 6.96% $11,115,939,195
2020-21 $37,061,108,187 16.39% $22,094,873,070 6.61% $14,966,235,117
2022-23 $36,547,933,771 -1.38% $25,563,195,849 15.70% $10,984,737,922
2024-25 $45,859,935,699 25.48% $27,924,649,810 9.24% $17,935,285,889
Totals $348,027,749,854 421.55% $248,961,269,610 217.58% $99,066,480,244

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article VII

Department of Housing & Community Affairs
Texas Lottery Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Transportation
Texas Workforce Commission

Article VIII – Regulatory

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $171,736,921 $212,757,862 $4,292,100 $27,887,958 $416,674,841 -
1998-99 $264,772,879 $140,145,555 $3,741,225 $18,390,232 $427,049,891 2.49%
2000-01 $286,610,673 $156,303,546 $4,800,376 $22,591,053 $470,305,648 10.13%
2002-03 $661,702,452 $91,877,127 $4,827,530 $13,325,789 $771,732,898 64.09%
2004-05 $401,580,345 $100,998,309 $5,451,363 $256,802,885 $764,832,902 -0.89%
2006-07 $317,481,138 $197,840,262 $4,909,246 $14,291,467 $534,522,113 -30.11%
2008-09 $348,688,911 $394,165,594 $4,509,246 $14,932,051 $762,295,802 42.61%
2010-11 $311,842,282 $482,565,079 $4,509,246 $48,290,556 $847,207,163 11.14%
2012-13 $264,359,112 $384,130,675 $6,302,201 $23,050,465 $677,842,453 -20.00%
2014-15 $276,266,505 $965,601,673 $6,085,126 $38,098,222 $1,286,051,526 89.73%
2016-17 $332,871,577 $569,305,291 $9,581,684 $22,471,789 $934,230,341 -27.36%
2018-19 $347,229,770 $252,478,914 $5,850,405 $69,693,666 $675,252,755 -27.72%
2020-21 $379,190,182 $235,568,920 $11,062,828 $81,211,768 $707,033,698 4.71%
2022-23 $307,219,644 $330,509,647 $9,503,826 $86,797,020 $734,030,137 3.82%
2024-25 $427,769,438 $379,055,193 $71,118,154 $43,732,580 $921,675,365 25.56%
Totals $5,099,321,829 $4,893,303,647 $156,544,556 $781,567,501 $10,930,737,533 121.20%

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Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $416,674,841 - $416,674,841 - $0
1998-99 $427,049,891 2.49% $447,852,650 7.48% -$20,802,759
2000-01 $470,305,648 10.13% $502,790,111 12.27% -$32,484,463
2002-03 $771,732,898 64.09% $541,190,336 7.64% $230,542,562
2004-05 $764,832,902 -0.89% $589,357,496 8.90% $175,475,406
2006-07 $534,522,113 -30.11% $653,636,399 10.91% -$119,114,286
2008-09 $762,295,802 42.61% $713,653,730 9.18% $48,642,072
2010-11 $847,207,163 11.14% $761,357,327 6.68% $85,849,836
2012-13 $677,842,453 -20.00% $820,017,207 7.70% -$142,174,754
2014-15 $1,286,051,526 89.73% $868,973,669 5.97% $417,077,857
2016-17 $934,230,341 -27.36% $918,216,375 5.67% $16,013,966
2018-19 $675,252,755 -27.72% $982,122,805 6.96% -$306,870,050
2020-21 $707,033,698 4.71% $1,047,003,831 6.61% -$339,970,133
2022-23 $734,030,137 3.82% $1,211,356,314 15.70% -$477,326,177
2024-25 $921,675,365 25.56% $1,323,257,900 9.24% -$401,582,535
Totals $10,930,737,533 121.20% $11,797,460,990 217.58% -$866,723,457

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article VIII

State Office of Administrative Hearings
Behavioral Health Executive Council
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
Funeral Service Commission
Board of Professional Geoscientists
Health Professions Council
Office of Injured Employee Counsel
Department of Insurance
Office of Public Insurance Counsel
Department of Licensing & Regulation
Texas Medical Board
Texas Board of Nursing
Optometry Board
Board of Pharmacy
Executive Council of Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Examiners
Board of Plumbing Examiners
Racing Commission
Securities Board
Public Utility Commission of Texas
Office of Public Utility Counsel
Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

Article X – The Legislature

Actual Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025)

Biennium GR GR-D Federal Funds Other Funds All Funds % Increase
1996-97 $219,243,066 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $221,243,066 -
1998-99 $244,504,898 $0 $0 $1,950,000 $246,454,898 11.40%
2000-01 $261,858,033 $0 $0 $2,855,000 $264,713,033 7.41%
2002-03 $290,982,799 $0 $0 $3,390,000 $294,372,799 11.20%
2004-05 $265,164,580 $0 $0 $4,191,000 $269,355,580 -8.50%
2006-07 $313,663,891 $0 $0 $3,620,000 $317,283,891 17.79%
2008-09 $325,552,897 $0 $0 $420,000 $325,972,897 2.74%
2010-11 $354,314,272 $0 $0 $562,800 $354,877,072 8.87%
2012-13 $339,363,073 $0 $0 $562,800 $339,925,873 -4.21%
2014-15 $359,443,216 $0 $0 $205,000 $359,648,216 5.80%
2016-17 $385,863,459 $0 $0 $202,850 $386,066,309 7.30%
2018-19 $387,314,153 $0 $0 $202,850 $387,517,003 0.40%
2020-21 $392,024,405 $0 $0 $202,850 $392,227,255 1.22%
2022-23 $410,240,482 $0 $0 $202,850 $410,443,332 4.64%
2024-25 $489,597,170 $0 $0 $202,850 $489,800,020 19.33%
Totals $5,039,130,394 $0 $0 $20,770,850 $5,059,901,244 121.39%%

⬅️ Mobile Users Swipe Left & Right ➡️

Appropriations by Biennium (1996 – 2025) Including Population & Inflation

Biennium All Funds % Increase All Funds with Pop+Inf % Increase with Pop+Inf Difference Between Actual and If Followed Pop+Inf
1996-97 $221,243,066 - $221,243,066 - $0
1998-99 $246,454,898 11.40% $237,797,639 7.48% $8,657,259
2000-01 $264,713,033 7.41% $266,967,944 12.27% -$2,254,911
2002-03 $294,372,799 11.20% $287,357,425 7.64% $7,015,374
2004-05 $269,355,580 -8.50% $312,932,883 8.90% -$43,577,303
2006-07 $317,283,891 17.79% $347,063,241 10.91% -$29,779,350
2008-09 $325,972,897 2.74% $378,930,820 9.18% -$52,957,923
2010-11 $354,877,072 8.87% $404,260,139 6.68% -$49,383,067
2012-13 $339,925,873 -4.21% $435,406,948 7.70% -$95,481,075
2014-15 $359,648,216 5.80% $461,401,505 5.97% -$101,753,289
2016-17 $386,066,309 7.30% $487,548,050 5.67% -$101,481,741
2018-19 $387,517,003 0.40% $521,480,634 6.96% -$133,963,631
2020-21 $392,227,255 1.22% $555,930,704 6.61% -$163,703,449
2022-23 $410,443,332 4.64% $643,197,425 15.70% -$232,754,093
2024-25 $489,800,020 19.33% $702,614,140 9.24% -$212,814,120
Totals $5,059,901,244 121.39%% $6,264,132,565 217.58% -$1,204,231,321

A Visual Comparison

Primary Agencies/Programs Found in Article X

House of Representatives
Legislative Budget Board
Legislative Council
Commission on Uniform State Laws
Sunset Advisory Commission
State Auditor’s Office
Legislative Reference Library


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