House Committee on County Affairs

Committee Summary

Committee Members (9)

Committee Partisan Split

6R – 3D

Committee Efficiency

Legislation Referred
to Committee
Legislation Voted
Out of Committee
Overall Efficiency

Number of Committee Meetings: 19

Legislation StatusHBsHJRsHCRsSBsSJRsSCRs
Referred to Committee127202210
Voted Out of Committee80102110

Committee Jurisdiction

The Texas House Committee on County Affairs has jurisdiction over various matters related to counties. This includes their organization, creation, boundaries, government, finance, and the duties and compensation of their officers and employees.

The committee also oversees the establishment of election districts for county governing bodies, regional councils of governments, multicounty boards or commissions, relationships or contracts between counties, and other units of local government. Additionally, it oversees the Commission on Jail Standards.

The committee’s jurisdiction includes oversight of:

  • Texas Commission on Jail Standards

Committee Contact Information

Capitol Location

Capitol Extension, E2.130

Phone Number

(512) 463-0760